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How Google Adsense Work

<h3>Google Adsense Basic</h3>
Basic Requirements To Get Started With Adsense Site –
To have an Adsense Website, you should have the following things –

1. A Domain Name (Name of your site for ex. yahoo.com, msn.com etc)
2. A Hosting Service Provider (Server where you want to host your site)

We Offer Free Domain Registration & Hosting Service For 1 Year
To Buy a domain, you have to pay around $12 every year.
To Buy a Hosting Server, again you have to pay separately $15 every year. So a total expense of around $30 every year will be there.

But you don’t have to worry about these expenses, because with any of our package you take, you will get free domain registration of your choice & Free Hosting for one year. After 1 year you’ll have to pay renewal charges, which will be $10 for domain name, & $2just for Hosting. So Here you save a huge amount.

There are many people who promise you to give adsense sites of 25000 pages, but they will never give you free domain or hosting. Because for hosting 25000 pages you got to have a big web space and lot of expense. Another thing most of them will give you a sub domain instead of domain, which is against Adsense policy. So be careful about this. Here we are not hiding anything from you, because you should know all these to make huge income daily. So here completes the problem of getting a domain name and hosting service… its Free…

How Long it will take your website to be live on internet ?
Basic Package will take atleast 5-7 days from the day you make payment & select your domain name. In these 2-3 days will be taken for your Google Adsense Registration & rest of the days will be utilized in designing and uploading of your site & 1 day for final checking of your site before delivering it to you.

Premium Customized Website will take atleast 5-10 days from the day you make payment & select your domain name. However it also depends on customization of your site as per your request.

Professional Adsense Websites are complete ready made & fully professional Adsense site with search engine optimization. Every Month our Adsense experts make 30-50 professional Adsense websites with their own choice of domain name. These sites are ready to use with 50% Marketing already done. These professional Adsense websites will also start making huge money from the vary first day. It will take not more than 2-3 days for the website to be live, because everything is ready only adsense registration time will be counted.
There is no comparison of our Professionally designed adsense websites with rest of the 2 packages or any other adsense site.

How Do I open a Google Adsense Account ?
It’s very simple, you can do it simply visiting the site www.Google.com/adsense. If any problem, we will do it for you with no charges. Another do not open an account before we say, because one person can open only one account in his/her name.

How many Websites I can use with my Google Adsense Account ?
With your Google Adsense Account, you can link unlimited no. of Websites. Remember more websites more ads and more earning.

After getting my Adsense site ready, Do I’ve to make any changes in it?
No As said earlier, you don’t have to do any changes or you won’t be asked to make any changes from our end. Everything will be done by our experts free of cost. All you have to do is daily check your adsense account with huge earnings.
Remember, we won’t do like others who after taking money, just give a mere e-book with details on how to get start. We give what we promise here, otherwise Full Money Return.

How Long it will take to appear Adsense Ads on my site ?
At the most 24hrs of your Adsense Account confirmation from Google.
What’s the Payment Structure of Google Adsense ?
Google Adsense Payments are delivered to you through EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer to Your Bank A/C) or Cheque, every month between 1st to 5th through DHL Express Courier Service. Your monthly payouts are calculated on the following things :-

1. No. of times your web page is opened.
2. No. of times Google Ads are clicked on your site.
3. No. of times Google Search Box has been used on your site.

How much per Ad click I’ll be getting ?
The Ad’s that are displaying on your site are delivered by Google from its Adword Advertiser section. Each Advertiser fix specific amount for their Ads. Today billions & trillions of Google Adword advertisers are there. Each range their Ads from $0.5 to $500+ per click. Now Adsense sites what we create for you is highly optimized with keywords to deliver each Ads with range of $5 to $500 per click.

Daily Adsense Income Calculation –

Lets take an example – In this ex. we will count everything at the bottom rate to see our minimum earnings.
In the starting few day’s, Let’s assume daily your site has been opened 2000 to 5000 ( as per our free marketing)
On an average daily your site is viewed 3500 times.
Now even at the bottom, if we expect a 10% click on 3500 views, than it will be 350 clicks a day.
Let’s imagine on an average we are getting around $2 per click, than our daily earning will be 350 clicks x $2 = $700 daily. Now again you think its too much, let’s take another minimum earning example below which we can’t expect-

Minimum view per day 1500
Average clicks per day 200
Average amount per click $1.25
Daily Income = 200 x $1.5 = $300 Daily

Whatever Calculation we showed above is the minimum & in the starting few days only. Later on views, clicks and income everything will be much higher rates as described under each package.

Monthly Adsense Income Calculation –

As per the above daily calculations –
1. For daily income of $700, monthly income will be $700 x 30 days = $21,000
2. For daily income of $300, monthly income will be $300 x 30 days = $9,000

What You say now, isn’t a mind blowing income with our minimum calculation. Even now also you think that you can’t earn this much. What about again 10% of this total amount. Again you will earn atleast $2,100 or $900. This too is a big amount. But why we are talking only on the lower side, when we are sure to earn on the higher rates with hard efforts of our Adsense Expert Teams.

When I’m going to get my First Adsense Payment?
As per the Adsense policy, as soon as an amount of $10 is accumulated in your account, Google Adsense Team will send you a Adsense Postcard with ‘PIN’ no. which you have to input in your Google Adsense Account. They send this PIN just to verify that you are the right user of this account and also to verify your Address, so that when they send cheque’s to you it should reach the right address.

Our Adsense Experts will reflect First $100 Free from our side in your account within first 36Hrs of your Adsense account activation. So that your PIN no. gets dispatched at the earliest.

Next, your Adsense Cheque will be delivered to you only when your account reaches a minimum threshold of $100 in a particular month. If amount is less than $100 it will be carry forward to next month. However with our effort and highly optimized adsense site, you can expect $100 within 3-4 days only.
You’ll get all Adsense PIN no., letters, cheque’s etc directly from Google, Ireland.
Google use DHL service which delivers cheque’s in 3-4 days only.

<a href=”http://data-entry-works.com/register-now/”>Register Now !</a>
Let’s Start your EXTRA INCOME
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